Tuesday, February 21, 2012

{Filling Schedule!}

             Hello! It's been difficult for me to find time to post a new blog entry but here it is, finally! I have been booking a few sessions here and there and am very excited for them to happen! I have so many cute and unique ideas and I am truly hopefull that more people continue to see my ads and book sessions. As it gets warmer and nicer outside I will be doing a lot more advertising since 90% of my photography is done outside in the natural light. I recently booked a Quinceanera in March, which I am so excited about because it is something new and will expand my capabilities even more! I just got a new flash that will better support the needs of indoor photography in darker venues for weddings and such so that is exciting all on its own! I am building up quite the stash of props for all kinds of sessions and I am working on perfecting my crocheting skills so I can offer customized hats, cacoons, slings, and more for any session type. All in all, everything is slowly coming together and I am even contemplating turning a portion of my office downstairs into an mini-photography studio so I can offer indoor sessions on top of everything else. But that is still up for debate and will be decided later on in the year when I (hopefully) have a fuller schedule. Remember, I will serve Salt Lake Valley, portions of Utah County and in Idaho Cassia and Minidoka Counties! Can't wait to book some sessions! :D